
Open by appointment - preferably Tuesdays or Wednesdays
Schools requiring books from Story Store

Schools that have inadequate budget for their libraries and a passionate library advocate on their team, are invited to apply. Our resources are limited and we won’t be able to help everyone - but we’re sure going to try!! Schools are not confined to those in a particular area as we have a web-based option for ordering as well as the physical.
Mission Statement

Story Store aims to collect excellent condition, 2nd-hand children's books and then make them available, for free, to school libraries that are under-resourced, thereby improving access by ALL tamariki to books that they WANT to read.
Browse our Te Reo resources

Schools are asked to help out by running 'book drives' for donations of excellent condition books that students have read and no longer wish to keep.
Once a collection has been made, contact us at bookdonations@storystore.org.nz
We need a continual stream of new books for this to be a sustainable venture.
Becoming a Story Store Representative

Can YOU spread the word and let your contacts know about Story Store and encourage appropriate donations?
Would YOU like to become a rep?
If so, contact Mel mel@storystore.org.nz